
Presentation at HANNOVER MESSE 2013 on Principles Kaluga Region Government Pursues in the Field of Public-Private Partnership Projects

Presentation of modern industrial solutions used by Kaluga Region Government  was delivered at HANNOVER MESSE 2013 within the framework of Metropolitan Solutions exhibition.

Ilya Veselov, Director General of the Agency for Regional Development of Kaluga Region, spoke of the  principles Kaluga Region Government pursues in the field of public-private partnership projects. He noted that it is necessary to pay great attention to maintaining the balance between the interests of the public and private participants and to thoroughly analyze the joint projects' implementation  prospects.

The public-private partnership model is applied in Kaluga Region in several  ways. The first way provides for integrated territory development, and establishment of industrial parks and industry clusters.   The second way provides for establishment of development institutions like Kaluga Region Development Corporation, and the Agency for Regional Development of Kaluga Region.  Apart from that, Kaluga Region Government provides comprehensive support to investors at all project implementation stages. 


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