
R&D Company from Obninsk to Get RUR94.55 million to Finance Clinical Research

Medbiopharm R&D company, Obninsk, concluded two contracts with government agencies to carry our R&D works under Development of Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation till 2020 and Thereafter federal target program.

The validity term of these two contracts concluded under the afore-mentioned target program is two years. Under the contracts. During this period Medbiopharm plans to hold clinical trials of two pharmaceuticals: a medicine to cure   male and female infertility, which restores  spermatogenesis regenerative potential and improves fertility, as well as a medicine to cure influenza, which suppresses the virus reproduction through inhibiting virus cell penetration and inducing interferon synthesis. The total amount of budget financing under two contracts equals RUR  94,550,000: RUR47,550,000 and RUR 47,000,000 correspondingly.


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