
Kaluga Special Economic Zone – Business Proposal for Belgian and Luxemburg Companies

The 1st Belgium and Luxemburg. Eurasian Economic Union International Business Forum will be held on November 13, 2015 in Moscow. The key topic of the event will be cooperation between these two countries and  Eurasian Economic Union. Representative of business and government agencies are to discuss promising areas for cooperation.  The event is organized by Belgian Luxemburg Chamber of Commerce in Russia with the support of the Chamber of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and Russian Special Economic Zones (RUSSEZ). Vladimir Potyomkin, Deputy Governor of Kaluga Region is to attend the forum.  

The forum participants will focus of specific features of localization in Russia.  They are to share best practices in the field of joint investment projects implementation and to review the most successful cooperation cases. Apart from that, a number of Russian special economic zones, including Kaluga Special Economic Zone, are to be presented.

Traditionally Belgium and Luxemburg are important economic partners for Russia.  A number of projects have been and are being implemented in various sectors of economy. There is a large trade turnover between Russia and Belgium, while Luxemburg is one of the key investment partners of Russia. There are vast opportunities for cooperation development in such industries as aerospace, chemical industry, engineering, hi-tech, etc.

It is worth mentioning that there are 10 industrial parks in Kaluga Region with the total area of about 6,000 ha, and Kaluga special economic zone  (1,042 ha).

Kaluga special economic zone has two sites in Lyudinovo and Borovsk districts. The latter is the closest industrial special economic zone to Moscow. The special economic zone offers all the benefits provided to Kaluga Region industrial parks’ residents in terms of access to engineering, transport and business infrastructure. Apart from that its residents enjoy certain federal and regional tax benefits and customs preferences.    


Investment projects implemented in Kaluga Region by Belgian companies:

·         Eternit OOO plant manufacturing fiber reinforced concrete facing slabs. The project was initiated by   Etex Group of Belgium;

·         BOSAL International, Belgium/Netherlands, registered Bosal OOO, its affiliate, in Kaluga to manufacture exhaust boxes for cars at Kaluga Vehicle Repair Plant production facility.  


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