On December 20, ICM Glass Kaluga LLC, an engineering company owned by ROSNANO JSC, launched production at its technological complex at the Vorsino industrial park in Kaluga Region.  The official ceremony was attended by ROSNANO Chairman Anatoly Chubais and Kaluga Region’s  Governor Anatoly Artamonov.

The company manufactures innovative heat insulation using nanotechnology-based principles of crushed off-grade glass processing.  The project’s total budget is over RUR 1.8 billion, including over RUR 1.2 billion provided by ROSNANO.

The foam glass is manufactured from common crushed glass. Thus, the new plant provides an important environmental service by contributing to efficient processing of solid household waste.

Anatoly Chubais noted that the implementation of the high tech crushed glass processing complex was possible only in Kaluga Region.

He summarized the results of other ROSNANO projects already completed in Kaluga Region. Apart from the operating foam concrete chip manufacturing plant, he mentioned Niarmedic, a unique pharmaceutical company scheduled to be launched in early 2014. “I am talking about a unique pharmaceutical enterprise that conducts its own scientific research. Their products are not branded generics, they are purely Russian”, said the ROSNANO Chairman. Chubais sees further cooperation with the region in the creation of a nanotechnology-based cancer center not only with diagnostic capabilities, but offering precision surgical treatment as well. ROSNANO also intends to build another unique pharmaceutical company in Kaluga, with total investments over USD 100 million. It will be the first Russian “Big Pharma” embracing all stages: from R&D to sales. Other projects were discussed as well. Anatoly Chubais estimated the total amount of future investments as exceeding RUR 10 billion.


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