On January 25, 2013 a tripartite agreement on establishment of an industrial special economic zone in the territory of Lyudinovo and Lyudiinovo District Municipality  was signed at the Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

The agreement was concluded by Oleg Saveliev, Deputy Minister for Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Anatoly Artamonov, Kaluga Region Governor, and Daniil Aganichev, the Head of  Lyudinovo and Lyudiinovo District Municipality.

The establishment of Lyudinovo special economic zone, the sixth in Russia, will allow to modernize industrial enterprises of the southern part of Kaluga Region and create conditions for hi-tech sectors development. Such clusters, as machine building (motor car components), construction industry and metalworking, as well as wood processing industry are to be created within the framework of the special economic zone.

Oleg Saveliev speaks of the outlook for the special economic zones development:

"We support expansion of industrial sites, creation of necessary social, residential and cultural infrastructure, as successful special economic zones in all countries of the world represent a new type of a territorial entity. We look at Kaluga Region new special economic zone as a site with huge development potential, including from the point of view of further capacity expansion". 


Information on Lyudinovo Special Economic Zone:
Lyudinovo Special Economic Zone has a special legal status. Its residents will enjoy a number of tax and customs benefits and will have access to utilities, transport and business infrastructure.


The list of benefits offered to investors is given below:  

  • special administrative regime (minimal bureaucracy, one-stop-shop principle);
  • ready infrastructure for business development;
  • land plots can be acquired at special prices; special conditions for office rent;
  • special tax regime (a set of tax benefits);
  • special customs regime (special economic zone);
  • a possibility to use accelerated depreciation methods;
  • legal guarantees to protect investors' rights (laws are not subject to change).

Lyudinovo special economic zone area equals 316 ha. The land plot is located at a 0.1 km distance from Lyudinovo, near Voylovo, Lyudinovo District, Kaluga Region.

According to preliminary expert estimates, the total cost of the project will be around RUR 3,200 million.

The project is to be financed out of Kaluga Region and federal budget funds. Kaluga Region will invest RUR 600 million (19% of the total cost of works), and the federal government will invest RUR 2,600 million (81%).

A number of Russian and foreign companies are included in the list of potential Lyudinovo special economic zone residents. Two investment applications were submitted as of September 2012 (Magnat and Farmakom MB). The aggregated amount of investments equals RUR 9.2 billion, 860 new jobs are to be created. 

By 2021, when all Lyudinivo special economic zone sites are to be occupied, about 22 production facilities will be fully operational and 3,900 new jobs will be created.


For more detailed information on Lyudinovo special economic zone visit:    Kaluga Region Investment Portal   and   Kaluga Region Development Corporation


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