On September 30, 2015 hi-tech facilities of OFK-Kardio OOO, a startup established by Modernization, Innovations, Development fund and Active Molecules Park competence alliance, were commissioned in Obninsk, the first Russian science city. The new facilities are to produce conjugated and monoclonal antibodies. This will make OFK-Kardio one of a few Russian companies capable of developing and producing individual test systems using its own raw materials (antibodies). This is a true example of import substitution.

OFK-Kardio, a resident of Active Molecules Park biopharmaceutical competence alliance, develops and manufactures KARD-INFO test systems. These test systems are used for individual snap diagnostics of acute myocardial infarction.   They allow to identify if any damage is caused to cardiac myocytes (cardiac cells) within 1-1.5 hour following the infarction. The test requires only one drop of blood and takes 10-15 minutes. Thus further infarction development may be prevented by timely special treatment, when the heart functions may be restored.

The commissioning of the new facilities allowing to produce antibodies helps eliminate a number of acute problems, such as untimely delivery of antibodies, supply of antibodies of improper quality, product quality decrease in the course of transportation due to inadequate storage conditions, finished products’ cost increase due to high volatility of currency, etc. Furthermore, it is possible to ensure higher purity of antibodies at the own facility, which is highly desirable for immunochromatographic applications. Apart from that, this allows to develop new diagnostic express tests.   

Additional Information:  

Kaluga Region has a truly unique experience in establishing a pharmaceutical cluster.  According to the results of a contest held by the Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation in 2012 the cluster was included in the list of 14 pilot innovative territorial clusters.  Experts believed that the key advantage of Kaluga pharmaceutical cluster was the availability of well-balanced cluster elements:   facilities capable of producing finished dosage forms, research and development of original pharmaceutical substances and active molecules, training facilities for pharmaceutical industry professionals as well as a formalized cluster management system.  


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