
Kaluga Region Economy Promising Development Areas: Electronics, IT, Innovations

On March 24, 2014 journalists and bloggers visited production facilities of  Samsung, Kraftway and Pilot Instrumentation Plant. The press tour was organized by the Agency for Regional Development of Kaluga Region.  Later on a visit was arranged to Electronics Materials and Components business incubator, Kaluga, where Navitech and MeGa Epitex presented their developments in the field of navigation and optoelectronic technologies.

The development of industrial clusters and favorable business climate has become the top strategic priority for Kaluga regional economy. Today an automotive/auto component cluster, as well as a pharmaceutical and transport & logistics clusters are being actively developed. Both Russian and foreign companies heavily invests in these industries.  There are also other points of growth in the region, namely, electronics and IT.

The projects being implemented in Kaluga Region and those already announced clearly show that Kaluga Region development is based on innovations.

The press tour participants had a chance to visit production facilities of global companies holding the leading positions in electronics/IT industry, SMEs and a startup. 


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