Belarus delegation headed by Vladimir Semashko, First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Republic visited Kaluga Region on June 19.  The purpose of the visit is to learn experience gained by Kaluga Region in attracting investments to the region and creating new high-tech production, and also to discuss potential lines of cooperation, in particular, those regarding mechanical engineering and car making industry, agriculture, and construction industry.

While negotiating with Anatoly Artamonov, Governor of Kaluga Region, Vladimir Semashko highlighted positive dynamics in developing relations between Belarus Republic and Kaluga Region. “We intend to cooperate not only in agricultural and construction areas. Kaluga automotive cluster was a pleasant surprise for us; it continues to expand its capacity and increase the level of local content. <> Kaluga Region remains attractive for investors. The latest rating, results of which were announced during Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum proved this achievement.” - Vladimir Semashko noted.  


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