On June 21, 2013 Anatoly Artamonov, Kaluga Region Governor, delivered a speech at a business breakfast organized by Sberbank of Russia within the framework of Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The event was dedicated to investments in human capital.  On the same day several agreements on implementation of projects important for Kaluga Region were signed.

Governor Anatoly Artamonov and  Denis Butsaev, Director General, PET Technology OOO signed an agreement on establishment of positron emission tomography and computed tomography  center. The center will also have radiotherapy and radiosurgery departments. The new center is to help significantly improve oncological and cardiovascular diseases diagnostics and treatment in Kaluga Region.  

Dmitry Patrushev, Chairman of the Board, Rosselkhozbank OAO, Governor Anatoly Artamonov and Nikolay Milkis, Director General, Kaluga Region Development Corporation, signed an memorandum of understanding on establishment of K-Agro agro-industrial park in Kaluga Region.   


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