
SPIEF-2015. The announced results of the comprehensive investment climate rating

On the 19th of May within the context of St-Petersburg international economic forum the presentation of the resultats of the National rating of investment climate in the members of Russian Federation took place. Kaluga Region established itself as one of the leaders –the second place among 76 regions.

The aim of the creation of the National rating of investment climate in the members of Russian Federation is for defining the effectiveness of the measures, assumes on all the levels of authorities for improving business climate in corresponding regions. The rating is used not only for the assessment of regional authorities’ activity, but also for indicating advanced ideas in the sphere of cooperation with investors and for their implementation in other regions.

It is based on the opinions of the business community – 230,000 people were interviewed during research.

Within the context of the rating the appraisal of business climate was accomplished in several key directions: regulatory environment (how algorithm for obtaining various permits and licences is arranged, the effectiveness of the procedures for the registration of enterprises), institutional environment (the effectiveness of the institutions, providing business security, burden on business, the quality of information support), the availability of resources and the quality of infrastructure, the effectiveness of small business support (financial and non financial).

In the following directions as "regulatory environment", "institutions for business", "the support of small business" Kaluga Region received the highest appraisal, having confirmed the leading positions of the previous pilot National rating.

Сommenting the results of rating, Andrei Nikitin, the Director General of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, called Kaluga Region and Tatarstan eternal rivals:

«Last year the first place was Kaluga Region’s, this year is Tatarstan’s. At this time, this year Kaluga Region demonstrates the best results in the direction of «The support of small and medium entrepreneurship», but Tatarstan didn't get into this group, notwithstanding obvious advances in other directions. The largest increase, concrete positive changes practically in all the directions demonstrated Moscow and St Petersburg. Primorsky Krai can also be proud of itself».

Let's put in remembrance that the rating proof test was conducted in 2014 in 21 regions. The work of Kaluga Region authorities received the highest appraisal in the improvement of business climate.


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