In 2015 the Russian Federation and the Republic of Korea celebrate the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations. Over the past quarter of a century the countries have been developing and strengthening the ties in different directions – beginning with culture and education up to science and business. In view of that on the 28 of July the visit of the delegation of the Republic of Korea to the enterprise «Samsung Electronics Rus Kaluga» LLC, which is considered to be the example of successful interaction in the sphere of investment and high-tech manufacturing, took place. The plant is situated in Vorsino industrial park. At the moment 100% of all sold in Russia TV sets and monitors as well as washing machines under the Samsung brand are produced here.

As a part of the project «Eurasia friendship train» the Korean delegation travelled all over Russia by the special train, having started its journey from Vladivostok. On the delegation there was the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Russia, Park Ro Böck, deputies of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, representatives of business and non-governmental organizations, leading universities and about 50 journalists of leading editions and electronic mass media.

On the enterprise «Samsung Electronics Rus Kaluga» the meeting with the temporarily in charge Governor of Kaluga Region, Anatoly Artamonov took place. The head of the region reported about the basics of investment attractiveness of the region and successful experience of work with foreign investors.

In Kaluga Region there're 10 industrial parks, the area of which is approximately 6 000 hа, and the Lyudinovo special economic zone, the area of which is 1042 hа. On the territory of the region more than 150 investment projects from 30 countries are being realized now. According to the results of the period from January to May, 2015 the external turnover of Kaluga Region with the Republic of Korea is 56.8 million dollars.

The representative of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, Baek Jae Hyun expressed his gratitude to the Government of Kaluga Region for the assistance in implementation of international projects.

The Director General «Samsung Electronics Rus Kaluga», Ahn Yong Sung mentioned that the enterprise functions stably and has good production rates. «In Kaluga Region there's everything for sustainable business development particularly technological infrastructure of high quality and human resources», - he added.

The destination of «Eurasia friendship train» is Berlin.


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