On July 7, responding to an invitation from the region’s governor Anatoly Artamonov, participants of the assembly of RF ambassadors and representatives visited Kaluga Region. The purpose of their visit was to get acquainted with the region’s economy, its international and foreign economic activities, historical and cultural heritage. During their meeting with the governor, the delegates discussed issues of further development of Kaluga Region’s cooperation with international businesses.

The delegation included active Russian diplomats and representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Among them – RF ambassadors in Germany, Egypt, Turkey, Mexico, South Africa, Indonesia, Thailand and Vatican.

The guests took a tour of modern facilities at Vorsino industrial park: NLMK-Kaluga metallurgical plant and the Freight Village multimodal logistics centre. They also visited the Chemopharm medical plant in Obninsk, the Monastery of St. Pafnuty in Borovsk and the Etnomir cultural and educational centre, where they met with Kaluga Region’s governor Anatoly Artamonov.

Meeting participants discussed issues of the region’s social and economic development. Specifically, they talked about strengthening of contacts between Kaluga Region and international businesses. The level of the region’s development received a high assessment from the diplomats.

Russia’s Ambassador in Turkey Andrey Karlov: “I was greatly impressed by Kaluga Region. We saw that the region cooperates with numerous major companies, utilizing the best global practices. We will certainly assist the region in the countries where we work”, he said. Russia’s Ambassador in Vatican Alexander Avdeyev added that Kaluga Region was an example of how Russia should be developing. 


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