
Prince Michael of Kent: British Business Should Be Better Informed of Opportunities Offered by Kaluga Region

On October 25, 2013 the Russia-UK Business Dialogue was held with the participation of top management of global banks and companies operating in industrial, innovative and hospitality sectors. The welcoming speech was delivered by Prince Michael of Kent, patron of the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce. 

In his speech Prince Michael of Kent named Kaluga Region the leader in terms of investment attraction. He also expressed hope that next time the British business delegation would be bigger. He said: “We should look for new opportunities to promote cooperation in the field of trade and economy. I am positive that British business community will be interested in the results of our trip to Kaluga Region and more British companies will come to Russia”.    

In the course of the visit British and Kaluga businessmen outlined the plans for cooperation in various areas.   


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