On July 16, 2013 Kaluga Region Governor Anatoly Artamonov held a meeting of the council for implementation of top priority national projects and demographic policy.  

The attendees discussed the course of Health, Education, Affordable and Comfortable Housing for Russian Nationals, Development of Agro-Industrial Complex top priority national projects implementation in Kaluga Region in the first six months of 2013.   

The heads of relevant ministries delivered speeches on results attained in the respective industries. For instance, starting from the beginning of Health national project implementation Kaluga Region demonstrates stable birth rate. Much attention is paid to disease prevention program through introduction of regular health checks and promotion of the health way of life.  Specialized hi-tech medical services have become more affordable and their quality increased.

Healthcare sector employees’ qualification constantly grows: 718 doctors and 1,351 mid-level employees of medical institutions have attended re-training courses this year.   .

In the reporting period under Education national project the kindergarten waiting list for children of 3-7 years of age was eliminated. 1,200 new vacancies for preschool children are to be opened in schools and kindergartens in 2013.

Training centers for machine-building, construction and agriculture sector personnel, similar to successfully operating automotive industry training center, are being created within the framework of vocational education system improvement.

The most prominent positive results of  the residential construction national project are increased volume of low-rise and rental housing construction and relocation of residents from dilapidated buildings.  


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