On July 3, 2013 Igor Petrishenko, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to the Russian Federation, paid an official visit to Kaluga Region. 

In the course of negotiations among others the following cooperation areas were named: agricultural industry, automotive industry and pharmaceutical industry.  

Anatoly Artamonov, in his turn, invited Belarus automotive industry representatives to attend AutoEvolution 2013 International Forum for Development of Automotive and Auto Component Industry, which is to be held in Kaluga on October 9-11, 2013. He said: “For all auto component companies high quality of their products is of primary importance as it allows to cooperate with OEM manufacturers. You will be able to discuss opportunities for cooperation with the new production facilities at the forum”.

Ilya Veselov, Director General, the Agency for Economic Development of Kaluga Region, noted that Kaluga Region had managed to attract foreign investments for a total amount of US$6.8 billion since 2006. He added: “Currently we promote the development of infrastructure for agro industrial cluster, namely, the creation of an agricultural industry park and a regional center for agricultural industry development”.    


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