RUSNANO has made an announcement that it successfully withdrawn equity from NIARMEDIK PHARMA  OOO, a joint venture established by RUSNANO and NIARMEDIK PLUS, a Russian pharmaceutical company. RUSNANO’s share in NIARMEDIK PHARMA  OOO authorized capital stock (34.45%) was acquired for RUR 2.3 billion the project organized, i.e.  NIARMEDIK PLUS. RUSNANO IRR under the project equaled 41.1%.

RUSNANO’s investments in the amount of RUR1.3 billion were used to a great extent to finance the construction of a plant in Obninsk, Kaluga Region. The total area of the plant all facilities of which are to be commissioned in 2014 is 22,000 sq.m. FormaPharm Engineering Group, which has already designed and built over 10 modern pharmaceutical industry plants in Europe and Russia  was a general contractor under the project.  

Vladimir Nesterenko, Director General, NIARMEDIK PLUS, said: “Placing its stakes at development of original projects, such as NIARMEDIK PHARMA, RUSNANO offers to the Russian pharmaceutical industry an opportunity to consolidate the intellectual property of the Russian science and modern pharmaceutical industry”.

Based on materials provided by the Agency for Innovative Development – Center for Cluster Development of Kaluga Region 


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