On April 22, 2015 Russian Regions: Development Prospects and New Opportunities  conference organized by  CCI France Russie in cooperation with Observo analytical center was held in Moscow. The conference became a venue for meetings between the largest French companies’ CEOs with top officials of the Russian regions. Pavel Shinsky,  Director General, CCI France Russie, the forum attendees were to study the current standing of the regions from the economical development and political stability point of view as well as to determine business growth points for the regions.

Alexey Laptev, Kaluga Region First Deputy Governor, represented Kaluga Region at the conference.

The conference attendees spoke of investment climate of different regions, economic potential and risks, best strategies and practices. Apart from that they also discussed on the most promising sectors for investors.   

Kaluga Region is a home for a number of investment projects implemented by French world-renowned companies, including Peugeot – Citroen (PSMA Rus OOO, a joint venture of PSA Peugeot Citroen and Mitsubishi Motors Corporation), Faurecia Group auto component plant. Apart from the automotive industry French companies also invested in the construction industry. A Lafarge concrete plant was commissioned in May 2014.  A global major cosmetic company, L’Oreal, operates a production facility located in Vorsino industrial park at New Moscow border.   

Kaluga Region cooperates with France at a regional level in the field of pharmaceuticals production. For instance, Kaluga Pharmaceutical Cluster has been an active participant of Eurobiomed, the largest French pharmaceutical cluster, since 2011. This cooperation supports joint development of diagnostics means.   

Alexey Laptev said: “Kaluga Region has attracted US$1 billion of French investments”.

While speaking of priority development areas and new growth points of Kaluga Region, Alexey Laptev focused on high potential of Lyudinivo special economic zone.  The SEZ area has been recently increased by 432 ha. The relevant regulation was signed by Dmitry Medvedev, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.   The expansion of the SEZ area through inclusion of new land plots in Borovsk District allows to build hi-tech production facilities in the vicinity of Obninsk, a science city and a source of highly qualified personnel.  The new plot features a unique proposal to investors as it is located next to production facilities of Vorsino industrial park, Freight Village (a modern multimodal logistics center) and Ermolino airport.

It is worth mentioning that in 2014 Kaluga Region managed to withstand negative trends in economy. Its industrial production grew by 2.9%. Kaluga region holds the first place in Russia in terms of the processing industry output per capita. 12 new production facilities were commissioned in 2014. The region also attracted  investments in the amount of RUR100 billion.


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