On May 29, the official opening ceremony of the new Mercator Kaluga LLC plant, a modern facility that will use European technologies for manufacturing of specialized road building, municipal engineering and automotive machinery, was held at the Kaluga South industrial park in Kaluga Region. The plant is the first in Russia to utilize the technology of robotized welding in this segment.

The Mercator plant is a joint project between major European concern BUCHER–Guyer AG and its Italian affiliate Giletta S.p.a. that specializes in manufacturing of municipal engineering equipment for maintenance of motorways and city streets. The total amount invested in the project is RUR 500 million; the number of new jobs created – nearly 100. The design capacity to be achieved by the end of 2014 is 500 units. In 2015, the plant intends to manufacture 1000 machines. All products will be supplied to the Russian market.

On the same day Mercator Holding LLC and the Urals Plant of Deicing Agents LLC signed an agreement on cooperation. The parties plan to manufacture special machines adapted for distribution of new deicing agents.

Speaking about his experience of working in Kaluga Region, Giletta President Guido Giletta emphasized that the region has created a favorable business environment. “I must admit that we found highly qualified specialists here, who contributed to the implementation of our project and are continuing to support is. <…> Out products are used in 50 countries. The Kaluga plant fully meets international quality standards. By establishing a presence here, we are localizing are production in Russia”, said Giletta.








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