At the end of August, the South Korean company announced the departure of its 5,000,000th monitor labeled “Made in Russia” from the assembly line of the Samsung SERK (Samsung Electronics Rus Kaluga) plant in Kaluga. The company considers this to be an important milestone in the history of Samsung Electronics in Russia, indicative of the success of its implemented technologies. To commemorate this achievement, journalists were presented with the opportunity to visit the plant and be introduced to its production process.

Kaluga Region is one of the few Russian regions with a special status; renowned companies, both national, like Kraftway, and global, move their facilities to or build new plants in Kaluga Region. According to the South Korean manufacturer, its own investments in construction of production and logistics facilities were USD 200 million. Russian companies were recruited as contractors, including for creation of a SCS. The total area of production workshops is 40,600 sq.m. 


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