Modern Trends in Training of Engineering & Technical Personnel and Scientists Required for Kaluga Region Innovative Development IX Kaluga Industrial Forum was held in Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University on February 27, 2013. Anatoly Artamonov, Kaluga Region Governor, attended the event.

The attendees discussed issues related to improvement of the education system to train engineers and technical specialists for Kaluga Region industry. Apart from that, they also spoke of creation of standards allowing to objectively assess the quality of professional training and to monitor the efficiency of higher education institutions.

Anatoly Artamonov noted that major industrial companies of Kaluga Region are interested in cooperation with SMEs. "In the years to come it will be small and medium businesses, which will determine the development of the region's economy", he added. Speaking of the role of Kaluga automotive industry training center, Anatoly Artamonov stresses the importance of dual education system improvement.


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