On September 18-21, Sochi will host the Sochi-2014 International Investment Forum that has become a reputable platform for a constructive dialogue between the business community and authorities. In an open discussion, representatives of the state, entrepreneurs and experts will raise the most relevant issues of economic development and discuss strategic objectives of the state economic policy. Specifically, they will discuss problems hindering business development and proposals for the improvement of the business environment.

A delegation from Kaluga Region headed by Governor Anatoly Artamonov will also participate in the international forum.

Participants will focus on current regional policies, on the creation of an efficient system of executive government structures, on the implementation of public-private partnership projects (issues, practices and prospects), on the situation in the entrepreneurial community (infrastructure and urgent objectives), and on priorities in development of new territories. Special attention will be given to economic consequences of mutual sanctions.

The forum program includes the announcement of results of the first nationwide competition “Best Managerial Solutions of Regional Authorities for Development of the Investment Environment”. Kaluga Region is represented in the “Investment Territories” nomination with a project for creating conditions to promote major investments in the regional economy: “Development of an Industrial Park Infrastructure in Kaluga Region: Creation of the Automotive and Auto Component Manufacturing Cluster”. 

Kaluga Region has 10 industrial parks and 150 investment projects in progress. In the 9 months of the current year, 9 companies launched production facilities worth over RUR 25 billion in investments.  

Sochi-2014 program details: http://www.forumkuban.ru/programme/business_programme


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