
The Kaluga research institute of telemechanic systems is finishing global technical re-equipping

On the 11th of August temporarily assuming the responsibilities of the Governor of Kaluga Region Anatoly Artamonov payed a working visit to «The Kaluga research institute of telemechanic systems » JSC.

The institute is established in Kaluga 56 years ago and considered to be a part of the regional radioelectronic economic sector. Here the development and production of special equipment, such as communication systems and tools, information security facilities, are carried out.

In the engineering building of the institute the head of the region familiarized himself with new production machinery, the active installation of which has been constantly performed in recent years. According to the information from the administration of the Kaluga research institute of telemechanic systems, today practically the whole equipment stock is re-equipped, the aggregate amount of capital invested for these purposes is 550 million rubles, more than a half  – from the federal budget, the rest funds - proprietory. At the same time in the institute the modernization of room internal infrastructure is also conducted. Beginning with 2005, on the enterprise there’s a steady increase in production: in accordance with mark requirements the samples of manufactured devices are upgraded, new forms are being developed.

Source Press Department of the Government of Kaluga Region


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