On July 24 media tour for federal and regional media was organized in Kaluga Region. It was dedicated to the development of tourism in the region. Journalists not only had opportunity to communicate with representatives of the Ministry for Culture and Tourism, but also to visit some tourist attractions. In particular their attention was drawn to places of cultural heritage undergoing transformation but still keeping colours of their past. So, a number of places were presented for photo and video camera shots: Tsiolkovsky state museum of the history of cosmonautics and its second construction phase, historical and landscape estate and museum Polotnyany Zavod, Ugra National Park with tourism enterprise Dobry Yar located at its territory. Project promoters, investors and state support are the drivers of integral and dynamic development of these tourism and leisure facilities.

As Pavel Konovalov, Deputy Minister for Culture and Tourism, noted tourism and leisure cluster is actively developing in the region, consisting of various cultural, educational, event, agricultural and youth tourism projects. Flow of tourists and visitors amounted to 1.5 mln in 2013, and in 2014 this flow can reach 1.7 mln. The region was successful in developing agricultural tourism; it encompasses some 150 facilities involved in rural tourism and more than 500 guest houses ready to host tourists and visitors. Also the region was in the center stage of festivals, theme events, already visited by 300,000 persons. “Our main task is to develop new lines and restore traditional brands of Kaluga Region, by transforming and expanding their infrastructure and adjacent territory. The role of public and private partnership should not be underestimated in these processes, investor and the state work as one team”, Pavel Konovalov noted.  

Estate and museum Polotnyany Zavod is also among those who aspire to maintain the unity of past and present. It was opened in 1999 to celebrate 200-year anniversary of A.S. Pushkin. Polotnyany Zavod is a unique estate and manufacturing architectural complex established in XVIII century. Two estates, one owned by Goncharov family, another one by Shchepochkin family exist here.  Not only exhibitions, recitals, scientific conferences, military historic re-enactments are organized here, but also theatrical excursions. Irina Shmytova, Director of the museum highlighted that new conceptual approach to the development of Polotnyany Zavod allowed attraction of far more tourists. “It is important for us to bring new life to the museum, while keeping the past time in its walls. Openness, initiative and cooperation – this is the motto of Polotnyany Zavod team”, Irina Shmytova said.  

Ugra National Park struck the most vivid emotions. This is the major specially protected area of the Kaluga Region; its total span is of 200 km. It includes three main parts: Ugorsky, Vorotynsky and Zhizdrinsky and encompasses valleys of Rivers Ugra, Zhizdra and left bank of Oka River. More than 65% of its surface is covered with woods, rivers and lakes. Various types of amateur tourism are developed here, including hiking, rafting and driving. Bicycle, horse touring, scientific tourism attract far less tourists. 23 tourist itineraries are active in the Park, with duration from 1 through 7 days and distances up to 180 km. Other leisure opportunities include sport and amateur fishing, bird watching, river bathing and gathering, as well as visiting of unique landscapes and natural and historical heritage sites.

Thus Kaluga Region offers a unique cultural, historical and natural potential to develop highly diversified tourism and leisure cluster.

Media tour organizers: Ministry for internal policy and media of Kaluga Region, Agency for regional development of Kaluga Region, Travel information Center “Kaluzhsky Krai”.


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