The 5th power generation unit was commissioned at Darhan thermal power station. Darhan, the third largest city of Mongolia, will get more heat energy thanks to a new 35MW turbine manufactured by Kaluga Turbine Plant.  

Four PT-12 turbines produced in Kaluga, were installed at Darhan coal thermal power station in 1966. Their total capacity equaled 48 MW. The turbines have been successfully operated for over half a century. As the city requires more energy, a decision was taken to install an additional turbine to increase the power station capacity by 35 MW.

Nikolay Shulenin, Chief Designer, Kaluga Turbine Plant, spoke of the new turbine performance and works carried out at Darhan thermal power station to upgrade its turbine generator. He said: “PT-35/39-3,4/1,0 is a next generation steam co-generation turbine. Its steam inlet was upgraded as compared to PT-25 prototype in order to ensure higher steam uptake to increase the turbine capacity”.  


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