On the 5th of June an opening ceremony of pharmaceutical company GC «NEARMEDIC» took place in Kaluga industrial park «Obninsk». In the solemn ceremony the Minister of Industry and Trade of Russian Federation Denis Manturov, the chairman of the board «RUSNANO» OAO Anatoly Chubais, Kaluga Region Governor Anatoly Artamonov, Director General «Nearmedic Plus» ООО Vladimir Nesterenk took part.

The amount of investment is 4 billion rubles. The plant capacity is up to 100 million packages of pharmaceutical products a year. The staff number is 185 people.

The project of the new plant corresponds to the requirements GMP, ISO and FDA. The plant area is 22 000 m2. The unique character of the plant lies in the whole round, from the synthesis of source material up to manufacturing finished pharma products, and spreads within the same production. At the same time the whole product range is own original developments of the company.

The enterprise will allow to provide domestic market with a number of key pharmaceuticals. One of them is an interferon inducer of antiviral action  KAGOCEL®, which is actively used for the prevention and treatment of SARS and influenza. Another one is a regenerative collagen complex, widely used in surgery, dentology and cosmetology COLLOST®.

Denis Manturov: «There’s no questions about the fact why in Obninsk, the first science city in Russia, such a plant was built. The allocation of a scaled-up production in Obninsk is an extra incentive for other enterprises of the region and Russia at large, promoting modern innovation structures. One of the directions, which «NEARMEDIC» is developing now is DNA tests. The project will also be financed through the Fund for Development of Industry attached to our department. This project is essential and required, as 98% medications, which are used in this sphere are imported. With an access to total production capacity we'll provide practically an absolute import substitution».

Anatoly Chubais: «The realization of this project is that case, when a team with unique potential, which passed all stages, from a fundamental backlog up to a commercial product, gained the system support of forming innovative environment in Russia. I think much of what Ministry of Industry and Trade does according to the programme PHARMA 2020 and consider this support effective. I understand very well what kind of work they do in Kaluga Region for the development of such an ambitious business. In the open field at that stage, when nobody believes, they led the area to the complete infrastructure preparedness. It’s important that the opening enterprise «NEARMEDIC» is a unique Russian full-cycle production, a wholly-owned Russian development. All the stages of the cycle are our’s. Here there’s a colossal potential and the foundation for the export of Russian innovative pharmaceuticals. It’s business for people».

In his turn, Anatoly Artamonov mentioned the importance of this event under the conditions of import substitution of pharmaceuticals. «The most valuable fact is that the production is domestic. We plan to become the third pharmaceutical manufacturers in the country by 2020. Last year we invested 700 million rubles in the scientific research direction of the pharmaceutical industry», - Anatoly Artamonov commented on.

For reference about Kaluga pharmaceutical cluster:

The Kaluga Region experience in the creation of the pharmaceutical cluster is unique. It was among 14 leading territorial innovation clusters following the results of the competition, which was led by the Ministry of Economic Development in 2012.

The region advantage was in the fact that the project of Kaluga pharmaceutical cluster, according to experts, includes well-balanced principal components: industrial production of finished dosage forms, research and development of original pharmaceutical substances and «active molecules», education and training of specialists for the pharmaceutical industry, and also has the formalized organization of the cluster management.



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