Professional Russia 2014: Made in Russia, Made for Russia forum was held in Moscow on December 19, 2014. The import substitution was the main subject of the event. Alexey Laptev, the First Deputy of Kaluga Region Governor, spoke of Kaluga Region experience.  

Professional Russia 2014: Made in Russia, Made for Russia development forum is a venue for productive discussions between professionals from the government, business and public institutions. The forum has been organized by Regionalnaya Rossiya (Regional Russia), a federal publisher, with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation.  The forum purpose is to arrange discussion on the development of the Russian business in the new economic environment, industry modernization, investments and innovative prospects of Russia as well as on training of personnel for various industries.

The key objective of the forum is to elaborate a consolidated Russia development strategy for the new economic environment, and to discuss the prospects for modernization of the Russian industry and economy.  

Alexey Laptev, the First Deputy of Kaluga Region Governor, took part in a plenary session on the Russia’s internal potential development in the course of import substitution program implementation. He noted that Kaluga Region had launched its import substitution activities long before the sanctions were imposed.   

Specialized development institutions have been established to provide consulting, infrastructural and financial support to investors, relevant infrastructure for production facilities has been created and a special economic zone has been established.  Those measures led to implementation of more than 150 investment projects in the region. The list of companies having their production facilities in Kaluga Region includes Volkswagen, Samsung, Nestle, Efes, Berlin-Chemie, NLMK, Continental, etc.  

Alexey Laptev paid special attention to the agricultural sector development. He noted that Kaluga Region relied on hi-tech facilities.    

He said: “Kaluga Region Government has built stable relationship with business. Business environment of Kaluga Region does not directly relates to policy. We strive to help businesses minimize their costs, provide tax benefits and administrative support”. 


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