On January, 30 the grand opening took place in the Argo farm “Krivskoe”. The Minister of agriculture, Leonid Gromov attended the ceremony.

The head of the regional ministry remarked that “this farm is the 2nd largest one when we speak about the implementation of the ministerial programme “Creation of 100 robotic farms” and 15th largest farm in the Region. More than 40 robots have already been operating in the agricultural enterprises and more than 50 are to be put into operation in the near future.” Leonid Gromov also underlined  that all these projects would facilitate  the development of dairy cattle industry in Kaluga Region and modernized technologies would help landowners to manufacture products of high quality.

The complex with the area of 7000 square metres in the agricultural farm “Krivskoe” has been constructed since May of the past year. Total volume of investments -115 mln roubles.  8 robots installed  in the farm were acquired with the help of co-financing. The regional budget subsidizes the participants of the ministerial programme ”the Creation of 100 robotic farms” 40 % of their cost. The robots will maintain 500 cows. The expected daily milk-yield will make 12 tons of milk.

In the future it is planned to construct sites for the breeding of young cattle.


JSC “Krivskoe” is an  animal plant for the breeding of the cattle  of the Holmogorskaya breed.

On December 1, 2014 there were 880 cattle heads (including 420 cows). The milk production for the past year made 2508 tons. The milk yield – 6270 kg  for a cow (+ 106 kg  to the level of 2013).


Investment digest

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