On December 16, 2014 the Multidisciplinary Center for Applied Qualifications in Construction Industry was opened at Kaluga College for Communal Services and Construction.  

Alexander Anikeev, the Minister for Education and Science of Kaluga Region, representatives of relevant authorities, the National Union of Roofing Materials Manufacturers,   major Kaluga Region construction companies, as well as KNAUF, the largest manufacturer of construction materials in the world and a social partner of the new center, took part in the official opening ceremony.

 Alexander Anikeev in his welcoming speech pointed out that the opening of modern centers to train personnel for various industries was an important step towards vocational training system modernization.    According to Alexander Anikeev, the new training center boasts “three important elements of efficient vocational education – qualified teachers, modern educational environment, including modern equipment, and  all opportunities for active cooperation with potential employers”.

Currently over 370 construction industry organizations are registered in Kaluga Region. They require highly qualified personnel capable of operating modern equipment. The key objective of the newly opened center is to train personnel in line with the acute construction industry requirements.   


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