An annual  Public Private Partnership Success Synergy forum was held in Kaluga on October 8, 2015 upon the initiative of Kaluga Region  Public Private Partnership Center. The list of the key issues discussed at the forum included changes to the legislation regulating public private partnership, business in the new economic conditions, best regional practices and projects.  The attendees, including heads of federal and regional authorities, financial and legal institutions, major businesses, entrepreneurs, experts and analysts were able to assess changes in the legal framework and to determine the perspectives for public private partnership development in Russia.   

Alexey Laptev, First Deputy Governor of Kaluga Region, took part in Public Private Partnership in the Changing Business Environment plenary session. In his welcoming speech Alexei Laptev said that public private partnership was an efficient mechanism to resolve economic and social problems thus it should be developed and widely applied in regions.  Kaluga Region Public Private Partnership Center was established in 2011 and a relevant coordination committee under the Governor of Kaluga Region was set up in 2012.   

Alexei Laptev said: “A number of unique projects have been implemented in this field. For instance, an agreement on Polotnyanyi Zavod estate is the only example of a concession agreement in Russia aimed at cultural heritage protection. A private investor restores damaged buildings in this historical estate. This will make Polotnyanyi Zavod one of the leading tourist brands of Kaluga Region”.

Anna Lukina, Kaluga Region  Public Private Partnership Center Director, spoke of RUR 1 per 1 Square Meter program implemented in the region. The program provides for transfer of a cultural heritage object to an investor for a period of 49 years. The investor is to fully restore it within seven years. Throughout the period of restoration the investor is to make lease payments at a rate not lower than the average market rate to be determined by an independent   appraiser. Upon completion of all works including repair and restoration the investor may submit a request to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Kaluga Region to set the minimum annual lease rate of RUR 1 per 1 square meter  for the remaining validity period of the lease agreement.  

The attendees also discussed changes in public private partnership and best regional practices at the subject sessions. The forum agenda also provided for  B2B individual meetings.   


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