Kaluga Entrepreneurship Week will be held at Business Development Center in Kaluga on May 20-24, 2013.

The event coincides with the Russian Entrepreneurship Day. The forum is organized by the State Entrepreneurship  Support Foundation of Kaluga Region and the Ministry for Development of Information Society and Innovations in partnership with Sberbank of Russia OAO.    

Each day of the Kaluga Entrepreneurship Week will have its own key topic.

On the first day the official ceremony dedicated to opening of Sberbank of Russia OAO's Business Development Center and the new office of the State Entrepreneurship  Support Foundation of Kaluga Region will be held.  The event will be attended by honored guests -  Anatoly Artamonov, Kaluga Region Governor, and Maxim Shereikin, Deputy Kaluga Region Governor, the head of  the Ministry for Development of Information Society and Innovations.

The topic of the second day will be the following: "Who want to become an entrepreneur? Smart steps!". Presentations of unique business projects will be delivered  and the attendees may take part in a business game - Start-up Carousel. Simultaneously entrepreneurs will also have a chance to take part in two sessions: existing industrial and innovative infrastructure for Kaluga Region entrepreneurs.

On May 22, 2013 Knowledge and Skills - Sources of Business Success, a day-long  training program will be organized. On the third day entrepreneurs will get to know 55 practical methods how to attract customers and may visit a corporate coaching session.  

Out Support 0 Your Development  will be the motto of the fourth day.  Kaluga Region entrepreneurs will be informed on support provided by the government to SMEs in the territory of Kaluga Region. Entrepreneurs from distant districts of Kaluga Region may also take part in the event using video conference communication tools.  

The vent results will be summed up in the course of Want Changes? Time to Act! discussion.  On that day the entrepreneurs will discuss with Maxim Shereikin, Deputy Kaluga Region Governor, the current status of business sector and factors impacting business development.

We invite you to attend the events to be held within the framework of Kaluga Entrepreneurship Week  on May 20-24, 2013. The vast majority of them are to take place at 63 Gorkogo St., Kaluga (Conference Hall).


Join us, we will wait for you! 


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