On December 19, 2014 a sitting of the Commission for General Purpose Aviation Development under the President of the Russian Federation was held in Kaluga. It was chaired by Igor Levitin, an assistant to the President of the Russian Federation.   Anatoly Artamonov, Kaluga Region Governor, attended the sitting.

Prior to the sitting the commission members visited Kaluga International Airport, where a test flight had successfully landed the day before.  They inspected the airport terminal, the runway, and the airport infrastructure facilities.

When delivering his speech at the sitting opening Anatoly Artamonov noted that the airport was to be commissioned in Q2 2015. He said: “This will further promote the region’s development and will open new unique opportunities for our partners. Residents of Kaluga and neighboring regions will also benefit from the new airport”.

Anatoly Artamonov noted that there were plans to recreate an aviation industry training center.

The commission members reviewed a number of proposals on improvement of tax legislation to support the general aviation development, relax administrative barriers, for instance, through simplification of procedures associated with acquisition of land plots for air transportation facilities.

In the course of the sitting the Government of Kaluga Region and NDV-Nedvizhimost Moskva OOO concluded an agreement on cooperation  in the field of implementation of an investment project providing for construction of Heliport Kaluga center, which was to include hotel  with recreation facilities, an urban recreation area and a theme park. The agreement was signed by Anatoly Artamonov, Kaluga Region Governor, and Alaxander Khrustalev, NDV-Nedvizhimost Moskva OOO. 


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