On November 18, 2015 Etnomir Culture and Education Center hosted  the 5th Kaluga Tourist Forum. This year the event was named The Promotion of Domestic Tourism Product. Issues and Prospects. The forum was attended by Ruslan Smolensky, Deputy Governor of Kaluga Region, Pavel Suslov, Minister for Culture and Tourism of Kaluga Region, Maya Lomidze, Executive Director, Association of Travel Agencies of Russia, Ruslan Bairamov, President, Dialogue of Cultures Foundation, and  Etnomir founder, as well as representatives of federal and regional level travel companies.    

Two agreements on cooperation between the Ministry for Culture and Tourism of Kaluga Region and the Association of Travel Agencies of Russia to promote domestic and international tourism and between Dialogue of Cultures Foundation and the Association of Travel Agencies of Russia to promote cooperation in the field of Etnomir project implementation. Etnomir is to become a tourist hub of Kaluga Region.  

The forum attendees held discussions on the most recent achievements of Kaluga Region in tourism sector promotion, as well as on principles and areas of the government policy in this field, issues of communications, prospects of interregional tourism products creation and the promotion of the national tourism product in the international and domestic markets.   

Ruslan Smolensky pointed out that Kaluga Region did not place its stake on one type of tourism product. He said: “We strive to work in various areas. Kaluga Region actively develops its tourism and recreation cluster, which includes different projects related to culture and education tourism activities, event tourism, agrotourism, social tourism and pilgrimage.    

Over 2 million tourists visited Kaluga region in 2014. In the first six months of 2015 there were over 1 million visitors.

Today unique tourism projects like  Etnomir Culture and Education Center, Vorobyi Bird Park and Nikola-Lenivets Arts Park are among the most popular sights in Kaluga Region. There are 37 museums in the region.  

Peredvizhenie 2014 festival:1st place in Aerial Filming nomination: Kaluga and Kaluga Region. Winter film (Kaluzhsky Krai Travel and Information Center)  - http://arrko.ru/en/deyatelnost/iakaluga/video/​


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