
Information and Communication Technology Cluster Established in Kaluga Region

New Kaluga Region  Information and Communication Technology Cluster (ICT Cluster) has been registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The information was provided by Igor Chernin, Kaluga Astral Director and ICT Cluster Chairman of the Board.

The new cluster includes over 50 IT sector companies from Kaluga Region. Igor Chernin in his interview to CNews said: “The key objectives of the cluster are the following:  to gather all the best IT competences in one place, to efficiently apply outsourcing methods, to reveal all opportunities to the cluster members and jointly implement investment projects”.

According to Maxim Shereikin, Deputy Governor of Kaluga Region, the region boasts a number of promising IT projects, which Kaluga Region Government is ready to support under 2020 Kaluga Region Development Strategy.  


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