The document was signed by the Governor of Kaluga Region, Anatoly Artamonov on  January, 23. To put these measures into action there must be close interaction among Government authorities, business and banking structures. In connection with that, regions create special offices for dynamic assistance in solving the problems of the business community. Kaluga Region has become one of the first regions, which have created the anti-recessionary commission on stimulating steady social and economic development.

The actuality of the commission creation is motivated, first of all, by the focus on import substitution. Regions face the problem of making every possible effort to support large-scale industry, small and medium-scale business, working in the real sector of economy, in the field of agribusiness.

The representatives of the Government authorities, banking community, industrial unions and trade union organizations were included into the anti-recessionary commission of Kaluga Region.

 The commission chairman is Anatoly Artamonov, the co-chairperson -  First Deputy Governor, Alexey Laptev.


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