
A new instrument for investors in the sphere of agribusiness is created in Kaluga region

Now everybody can find a new section of robotic farms at the investment map of Kaluga region. All the operating dairy farms and their major accounts graphically represented at the investment map of the region.

Currently 28 farms are represented at the map, in future their number will be increased. The programme “Creation of 100 robotic dairy farms” is being implemented in Kaluga region, under which the investors get subsidies for buying milking robots and equipment (40%), for development of infrastructure (500 thousand RUR for one farm) and for loan interest payments (in an amount of interest rate on a credit, reduced on 5%).

The users of the investment map will able to get the information not only about the geographical position of the farm, but also will get the information about the volume of investments for the creation of a farm, the number of milking robots and livestock number. This section will be useful for potential investors, who have plans to open a dairy farm in Kaluga region – as the general director of the agribusiness development agency of Kaluga region Stefan Perevalov said.

For information:

Investment map of the region gives an opportunity to evaluate the investment potential of the region, the development of infrastructure, studying the competitive advantages of the region and to find necessary contacts.

The essential opportunities:

- presentation of investment projects and sites, industrial parks and infrastructure facilities;

- detailed information about the selected objects;

- search and filtration;

- the possibility of evaluation of the geographical position of objects;

- filling in of on-line production placement application form in the region.

The mobile version of the investment map is created, which can be opened at any mobile devices on Android and iOS platforms (smartphones  and tablet computers).



Investment digest

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