
Best Innovative Technological Projects for Mobile Learning Selected in Obninsk

On March 13, Obninsk held the finale of the Mobile Learning innovative technological project competition. The competition was organized by MTS and the Academic Scientific Research Center for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT Obninsk) together with the Agency for Innovative Development of Kaluga Region and the Kaluga office of the Sberinvest management company with support from the Obninsk city Administration.

Submissions included programs using modern mobile gadgets to improve and simplify various aspects of city life. This year, developers suggested ideas for security, healthcare, tourism and entertainment. The geography of the competition expanded considerably, with submissions coming in from Moscow, Kaluga, Obninsk and Vladivostok.

The winner was Maksim Kozlov with his “Matryoshka” app – a mobile guide that helps tourists plan exciting city walks, provides background information and useful advice. The author believes that his mobile app will enhance the country’s tourism potential. 

Other projects selected to the top five were: for “High Social Significance”, Leonid Rozman and his project “Employment for People with Disabilities”; for “Best Team Effort”, Alexei Galkin and his “To the Shop” project; for “Best Concept”, Studio Dali and “Clover. Smart Shopping”.

The people’s choice award went to Arthur Borodin and the “Mobile Panic Button”. Igor Kashaba and his project “Health Spartakiada” got special recognition in the “Social Significance” category.

“Mobile applications are penetrating every sphere of our lives, making things a lot easier. Participants offered new practical “mobile ideas”, all of which have real potential. It was not easy for the jury to select the best one. All ideas are thoroughly thought-through and based on competitive analysis. Many authors have considerable experience in app and professional content development. We congratulate the winners and are sure that their knowledge and skills will contribute to the implementation of their innovative ideas at the highest level”, said Oleg Dyachenko, Board Member of Sbirinvest MC JSC. 


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