
Lecture Series were Held within Framework of Kaluga House of New Culture’s Culture and Education Program

A lecture series were held within framework of the House of New Culture’s culture and education program in Kaluga. On August 22 and August 24 the first events took place – the lecture by Vladimir Papernyi, an architect and designer, and the lecture/ master class by Yuri Palmin, an architectural photographer.

Both lectures were dedicated to the Soviet era heritage and the Soviet architecture. Vladimir Papernyi’s lecture was dedicated to Russian avant-garde and Stalin period architecture and the cultural context of these two eras.    

In his lecture Vladimir Papernyi spoke of his research, Kulture-2, a book which made him world-famous but was not officially recognized in Russia for 20 years.     

Yuri Palmin was widely recognized for his exhibition of photos of Khrushev and Brezhnev era buildings in one of Moscow suburban districts.  


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