
Innovative activity of regions in modern conditions was discussed in Skolkovo

On January, 28 in the Skolkovo Innovation Centre the 1st Russian National Conference “Innovations in new economic reality. Russian innovative policy and regions development” was held. The representatives of the Federal subjects of Russia, supervising the development of high-tech productions and small-scale business support took part in it. Besides the leading experts in the field of innovations and venture entrepreneurship attended the conference.

The minister of Economic Development, Vladimir Popov told about the experience of investments attraction and about the creation of research-intense clusters in the region.

A cluster-oriented approach underlies the economic policy of Kaluga Region.

Automotive, pharmaceutical, agricultural and logistics clusters are now being developed. The Region is also developing other perspective fields: airspace technologies and an  IT- cluster with the purpose of the diversification of the region’s economics.  Among the goals of the region there is  also the development of the power-engineering area, wood-processing industry and the production of building materials.

In modern economic conditions, Kaluga Region was able to keep good economic rates. In particular, the industrial production growth for 2014 made almost 3 %( the average rate in Russia-1, 7%), 12 new industrial enterprises were opened. It is natural that small-scale innovative enterprises were involved into production chains.

Now a governmental programme “Entrepreneurship and Innovations development in Kaluga Region” is operating. The infrastructure for innovative activity is created: 5 business-incubators (including an incubator for students), 2 innovative and technological centres (laser and nanotechnologies), IT-centre, 2 centres of multiple access to appliances and equipment for small and middle-scale businesses (of pharmaceutical orientation and laser processing), center for youth innovative creativity, training and research centre which trains staff for innovative companies, regional venture fund.


According to the results of the latest rates, calculated by the experts from the Higher School of Economics, Kaluga Region enters the 1st group of more innovatively developed Federal subjects of Russia, taking the 5th place in the rating of innovative development of the Federal subjects of the Russian Federation (this research was conducted in 83 regions). Besides, Kaluga Region took the 2nd place in terms of the quality of innovative policy due to the complex innovations support and the development of clusters and techno parks. Our region was put on the 5th place in the innovations development by the experts from the Analytic centre of SME Bank (VTB group) and from the Association of innovative regions of Russia.


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