Personnel for Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry Clusters: Problems and Development Prospects scientific and practical conference was held in Obninsk, Kaluga region, on October 29, 2014. The event was attended by representatives of various Russian pharmaceutical clusters (Kaluga Region, Moscow Region, Yaroslavl Region, Leningrad Region, etc.). Vladimir Domozhir, Deputy Minister and the Head of Department for Vocational Education and Science of Kaluga Region delivered a welcoming speech at the conference.

The conference agenda included the following issues:  prospects of manufacturing companies and universities cooperation within the framework of territorial pharmaceutical clusters development, competence model for specialists trained in the field of modern pharmaceutical technologies, pharmaceutical industry, nuclear medicine, Russian best practices in the field of pharmaceutical industry personnel training.    

The forum participants from educational institutions expressed their readiness to train the required number of specialists for pharmaceutical clusters, including Kaluga  pharmaceutical cluster, and to apply all relevant training methods. One of the speakers said: “We need integration, and tight interaction. We should organize hands-on training at production facilities.  We have adequate specialists, adequate technologies. All we need now is to fine-tune cooperation mechanisms.


Kaluga  pharmaceutical cluster is one of the leading  pharmaceutical clusters of the Russian Federation. It unites major pharmaceutical companies, research and development centers and educational institutions, innovative pharmaceutical SMEs, and technology transfer centers.   Kaluga  pharmaceutical cluster development strategy provides for close long-term cooperation with major universities and academia institutions of Russia.  


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