Kaluga Entrepreneurship Week second day events were held in the recently opened Business Development Center on May 21, 2013.

The main discussion topics included the prerequisites for regional business development, including infrastructure and business opportunities in the existing industrial parks.  

Nikolay Milkis, Kaluga Region Development Corporation Director general, spoke of opportunities and prospects of Kaluga Region industrial parks development. He said: "We are ready to review your projects proposed for the industrial parks and Lyudinovo special economic zone. Visit our site and submit your requests".   

Special attention was paid to Small and Medium-Sized Business Park project.  The core objective of the project is to provide access to infrastructure, including production, warehousing and distribution facilities ,  for SMEs.

Apart from that presentation on successful operations of Kaluga Region collective use centers and business incubators were made.  According to Evgeny Kulbatsky, Director General Laser Innovation and Technology Center - Collective Use Center, not all companies can afford purchasing and installing expensive equipment.   

Sergey Ionov, Director of the Center for Collective Use and Prototyping under Bauman Moscow State technical University (Kaluga Branch) spoke of access to high technologies, such as automated geometric parameters' measuring, 3D printing, 3D modeling, 3D scanning, etc.  

Rakhimdzan Roziev, Director, Medbiopharm science and production company, informed the audience on the pharmaceutical industry training center development concept. Active Molecules Park is the core of the training center.  The park is to attract from around Russia molecule designers who want to be sure that their ideas will be turned into products.  

Rakhimdzan Roziev said: "We bring to the region not scientists but their ideas".


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