On June 25, 2012 an official groundbreaking ceremony was held at the site in Kaluga-Yug  industrial park where a new plant to produce cabins for Volvo and Renault trucks will be built.

The ceremony was attended by Nikolay Lyubimov, Deputy Governor, Kaluga Region, Peter Andersson, CEO, Volvo Group Trucks Russia, and Lars Fernskug, Director of the Kaluga Truck Plant, Volvo Group

Investments in construction of the new production facility in Kaluga exceed EUR 90 million. The plant design capacity equals 15,000 cabins per annum. The cabins will be installed at  Volvo and Renault trucks manufactured in Kaluga. The new plant is to employ 350 people. It has an area of 25,000 sq.m. The plant is to be commissioned in 2014. The degree of assembled cabins’ localization is expected to reach 45%.

Peter Andersson noted that in 6 years passed after the signing of an investment agreement between , Volvo Group and Kaluga Region Government, Volvo had made a great progress in creation of Volvo industrial cluster in the region. It invested over EUR 100 million in construction of Volvo Group truck plant (commissioned on January 19, 2009), EUR 6.1 million in Volvo Truck Center, Kaluga, (commissioned on October 1, 2009), EUR4.7 million in  Volvo customs and logistics center (commissioned on August 29, 2012) and over EUR40 million in construction and commissioning of  Volvo Construction Equipment plant (commissioned on May 14, 2013). 


Investment digest

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