Government, Russian Export Center JSC, Russian Railways PJSC and SinoTrans Yangtze Shipping  Group LLC on December 6, 2016.  The memorandum provides for development of trans-border trade and logistics.

The ceremony was attended by Anatoly Artamonov, Kaluga Region Governor, Petr Fradkov,  Director General, Russian Export Center JSC, Oleg Belozerov, President, Russian Railways PJSC, and Zhao Huxiang, Chairman of the Board,  SinoTrans Yangtze Shipping  Group LLC.

The parties plan to promote the development of international shipping and logistics projects. For instance, they plan to jointly elaborate optimal routes, pricing policies, provide rolling stock and transportation equipment.  Russian Railways PJSC and SinoTrans Yangtze Shipping  Group LLC  also intend to promote container shipping on Russia-China routes. These import and exports routes are to connect Shilong railway station in Guangdong province with Vorsino, Kaluga Region. This provides for further development of Freight Village Vorsino, a multimodal transport and logistics center operated in Kaluga Region.  The cooperation program envisages the establishment of a core logistics center offering warehousing, handling and distribution services.

Anatoly Artamonov speaking of positive outlook for cooperation, said that Kaluga Region had enjoyed long-term good relations with Russian Railways PJSC. He also noted that cooperation with new partners was of great importance. He said: “Today one of the largest logistics companies in China and in the world in general joined us. This provides new opportunities for development of trade relations between Russia and China and with European countries in the future. Kaluga Region has adequate logistics capacities to implement this project and to further expand cooperation”. Anatoly Artamonov also said that he would provide full support to the project, as it would donate to creation of a new industrial park in Vorsino. He noted: “This will create new jobs, promote the development of cooperation ties and create new opportunities for investors”.  

Zhao Huxiang thanked Kaluga Region Government for provided support. He also praised Kaluga Region infrastructure and logistics opportunities. Zhao Huxiang  in his speech expressed intentions to further promote cooperation.


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