
The All-China Federation of Engineering and Kaluga Region agreed upon a collaboration

The document is signed on the 14th of October in Beijing in the course of a business trip of the Kaluga delegation to the People's Republic of China for the participation in the international exhibition Russian-Chinese EXPO 2015. Previously IA «Kaluga» reported about an agreement with the China Railway Construction Group and the China Building Materials Federation.

The intentions to collaborate in the trade and economic sphere was documentarily confirmed by the vice-president of the federation Sun Syaogan and the Director General of the Agency for Regional Development of Kaluga Region Ilya Veselov. 

For Kaluga Region the execution of the document opens new opportunities in the attraction of the Chinese capital, new mechanical facilities and the cooperation of PRC companies with Kaluga enterprises.

In the CFI there’re about 270 direct participants, 50 trade organizations, including the associations of standardization, heavy, general and agricultural machinery, the producers of manufacturing, energy and electronic equipment, the associations of manufacturers of electrical equipment, control and measuring apparatus, the counsels in the matter of automotive industry, shipbuilding, audit in engineering and other structures, comprising practically all the activity directions, connected with the engineering industry.  

The information about the All-China Federation of Engineering

The All-China Federation of Engineering (CFI) was created after the annihilation of a cognominal ministry as an organization, functioning on a voluntary for the purposes of activity coordination, provision of services and the consolidated expression of interests of numerous members, performing in this key manufacturing sector.

The main functions of CFI are as follows: the coordination of actions in the course of realization of great technological projects of national importance; the collection and dissemination of information; marketing researches, the collection and analysis of statistical data, the consulting of organizations and companies on industrial projects, assisting in the establishment of international cooperation.


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