
Efficient Cooperation with Investors: Cornerstone of Kaluga Region Business Success

Investment Climate of Russian Regions: Foreign Investors' Point of View round table attended by experts in the field of economy and consulting, representatives of regional government authorities and business communities successfully ended on the second day of INNOPROM 2013 international forum, July 12, 2013. Kaluga Region at the round table was represented by Deputy Governor Ruslan Zalivatsky.

Alexander Shokhin, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, set the tone for the discussion, pointing out how important is the perception of business climate both for Russian and foreign   investors. He said: “Contacts with investors at all stages of projects’ implementation are one of the key factors influencing the decision on selection of a particular region for business development”.

Ruslan Zalivatsky spoke of core principles for building relations with investors. He pointed out that the regional team’s commitment to creation of favorable business climate is a factor of great importance. He noted: “You should be a reliable partner who immediately respond to investors’ requests and issues. Business relations culture, relevant competences and experience are among key factors influencing the global business community’s attitude towards the region”.


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