
“Plitspichprom” ZAO, effective development of national timber processing complex

On the 20th of August, In Balabanovo, the grand opening of new production of saw-timber and wood trim took place at one of the leading plants of national timber manufacturing industry “Plitspichprom”.  Temporarily assuming the responsibilities of the Governor of Kaluga Region – Anatolii Artamonov, the general director of the department of chemical-engineering and wood and paper complex of Ministry for Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation -  Vladimir Potapkin, the head of the department of forestry in the Central Federal District – Sergei Shtrahov took part in this event. The same day there was start of the second stage of production of interior doors.  

Projected capacity of new production of saw-timber and wood trim of “Plitspichprom”, ZAO is 51 623 m3 (120 000 m3 of round timber) of ready output per year.

At the present time the base of new production assortment is saw-timber, planed bars, edged boards, block-houses, bars imitation, floorboard, euro-batten and number of other forest products.  The production is implemented with a help of modern equipment of leading manufacturers.  

The total cost of investments in the project of production of saw-timber and wood trim exceed 1 bln RUB.

Vladimir Potapkin on his own behalf added, that this enterprise is a good example of implementation of import substitution plan.  “It is a pleasure to see this full-cycle production from preparing of raw materials till final products – He noticed.

Celebrating everybody, who was present, with this outstanding event, Anatolii Artamonov said that start of operating of new high-technology production capacities at the enterprise is always strategically right step on the way of development. «This project is very relevant in Kaluga Region, because more than 50% of the territory of the region is covered with forest. It is one of our main raw material wealth, which is needed to be processed – Anatolii Artamonov commented.


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